17 Academy Lane,
Suite 200 • Falmouth, MA 02540
Tel: 508.495.1225
Email: info@falmouthengineering.com
Project Scope continued...
Tank Installation
Work commences on the installation of the septic tanks and pump chambers that will serve the new facility. The shoring system is installed to insure a safe excavated work environment for workers to enter the excavation and properly install the septic tanks and pump chamber.
Bio-clere Installation
Bio-clere denitrifying units are delivered and installed at the site. The Bio-clere units are an innovative alternative septic system component that provides enhanced treatment to the septic system effluent prior to pumping to the leaching field. The Bio-clere units will denitrify the septic system effluent generated from the site to ensure that the project protects the groundwater and the environment from nitrogen loading.
Leaching Field Installation
The leaching field–which is the final discharge point for the septic system–is located on a remote lot, which will also be used for parking. The leaching field will accept the treated effluent from the building facility’s site and pump it from the site approximately 500 feet to a satellite parking lot to provide a significant setback from the waters of Vineyard Sound. In this way, the developer has taken extraordinary steps to ensure that the effluent generated from the development will not pose any environmental impact.